The World Selects Invitational (WSI) is a premier international youth hockey event series that brings top talent from North America and Europe to compete. Held in various locations, including Philadelphia, this prestigious event features teams across different age groups, with a 16U tournament for players born in 2008, 2009, and 2010.
The Philadelphia WSI tournament, happening May 1-6, draws more than a dozen elite teams from around the world, creating a unique opportunity for players to showcase their skills in front of scouts and fans.
In addition to the exciting competition, the event is well-attended by NHL, NCAA, and junior program scouts, making it an excellent venue for players aiming to progress to higher levels in their hockey careers. Participants can expect a high-energy tournament with individual and team awards, championship medals, and a chance to connect with some of the best young players globally.
The Philadelphia WSI tournament, happening May 1-6, draws more than a dozen elite teams from around the world, creating a unique opportunity for players to showcase their skills in front of scouts and fans.
In addition to the exciting competition, the event is well-attended by NHL, NCAA, and junior program scouts, making it an excellent venue for players aiming to progress to higher levels in their hockey careers. Participants can expect a high-energy tournament with individual and team awards, championship medals, and a chance to connect with some of the best young players globally.